Monday, April 21, 2008

What is the purpose of life?

About 4 years ago, while I was working long hours at office, out of sheer frustration I went up to my friend Praveen and asked, “What is the purpose of life?” He ignored me.
A week later we had our appraisal discussions with our supervisors. When Praveen came out of his discussion, I asked him how it went. He replied in identical frustration, “What is the purpose of life?”

So what really is the purpose of life? Or rather, I should ask, what is the purpose of my life? Hinduism and Buddhism both say life is all about cosmic balances. So was I given life just to maintain balance in this world? If so then am I supposed to represent good or bad in this world? Am I supposed to bring peace or chaos to people’s lives? Am I supposed to help or hurt? I have no clue. I know I’ve already done each of these things. But is that my only purpose? Either way, I wonder if I should even bother to figure it out? If my life is meant to have a greater purpose will it not reveal itself? I assume it will.

I know some people go on their whole lives in ignorant bliss without asking the question. And yet others die in total frustration trying to find the answer. I don’t know which group I will belong to. Maybe as life (and this blog) goes on, I will figure it out. For now, I just know I’ve affected people in good and unfortunately even in very bad ways. Right now the bad is winning. I just hope eventually the good will win. The good is always supposed to triumph over bad isn’t it?

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